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Live healthy and in harmony with nature. Discover nature sustainability (ESG)with health partner, aims to offer promoting a healthy lifestyle and sustainable choice for all human.

Sustainable Raw Materials

The extraction and creation of raw materials can be the most damaging aspects of a product’s life cycle.

Often raw material sources can require significant amounts of land, use large amounts of water and energy, use potentially harmful chemistries, and create solid, liquid and gaseous emissions. This means that those involved in the sourcing of products should fully understand the potential impacts of the raw materials they use.

Nature Zone

The 21st IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC)

2nd to 4th December 2024

We are delighted to announce the 21st IFOAM Organic World Congress (OWC) in Taiwan. The congress will be held from 2 to 4 December 2024, followed by the 24th General Assembly on 5 and 6 December 2024.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been a long time since we all came together, in one place, as a global movement to celebrate our achievements, share our experiences, and map the future of organics in our rapidly changing world. It was wonderful to come together virtually for the OWC in France in 2021 and now we are very excited to invite you all to Taiwan in person for the 21st IFOAM Organic World Congress! It promises to be an exciting event rich with the diversity of our movement and opportunities for growing the impact of organics ”, says Karen Mapusua, President of IFOAM – Organics International. 

In collaboration with IFOAM Asia, we look forward to working with our main OWC partner and IFOAM member, the Sustainability Center of Nanhua University, other IFOAM members, and local partners, to organize a meaningful OWC that provides delegates with an enriching experience.

Stay tuned for more news on ticket availability, pre-conference sessions, the congress program, speakers, and the General Assembly. 

IFOAM - Organics International

New Host for the 21st IFOAM Organic World Congress Has Been Announced

8th Global Farmers Forum, IFAD ROME 2024

12th to 13th February 2024

During IFAD's Global Farmers Forum in Rome, INOFO, the Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations, took a prominent role in the event. With over 80 dedicated farmers' representatives from across the globe, FAFO 2024 became a dynamic platform for addressing pressing agricultural challenges and fostering collaboration. Thanks to diverse perspectives and discussions, participants seized the opportunity to engage with IFAD and other stakeholders, exploring pathways towards a more sustainable agricultural future.


The Intercontinental Network of Organic Farmers Organisations (INOFO), captured the spotlight at the 8th Global Farmers Forum (FAFO2024) hosted by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome, Italy, from 12th to 13th February 2024.


Gathering more than 80 passionate farmers’ representatives from organisations worldwide, FAFO 2024 was a vibrant two-day affair dedicated to tackling crucial issues, exploring diverse perspectives, and seizing opportunities in collaboration with IFAD and other key players in the agricultural arena.

INOFO played a key role in ensuring that agroecological and organic perspectives featured prominently throughout the deliberations. Their representatives actively contributed to panel discussions and interactive sessions, emphasising the significance of integrating ecological principles into agricultural practices.

Their efforts bore fruit as the FAFO 2024 statement echoed INOFO’s call to action, urging IFAD and the Governments of IFAD Member States to integrate smallholder agroecology and other sustainable and resilient practices, including organic farming, into all its projects and programmes. FAFO also championed the provision of substantial grants and funding to support climate-friendly agroecological practices, along with continued institutional support for women and youth. It highlighted exemplary models led by women and youth in climate-resilient farming, fishing, and pastoralism.

INOFO Champions Organic and Agroecological Solutions: Leading the Charge at FAFO2024

EA BIO Health Partnering Convention  2018,  Europe


Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

EA CEO & Investor Conference

14 September 2024 10:30am – 5:00pm

Sustainable Agriculture and Health Empowered by Biotechnology
Future Trends and Challenges Summit

In the process of global green and sustainable development, we urgently need to enhance global attention and collaboration on sustainable agriculture and innovative biotechnology through scientific and technological innovation, especially focusing on innovative applications in the fields of green ecology, sustainable agriculture and biomedicine. , jointly maintain ecological balance, promote efficient agricultural development, and protect human health.

In this process, we will promote the inclusion and display of women's power and demonstrate the "her power" that is indispensable in promoting the development of biotechnology.

Medical Technology


Cellular Therapy

Sustainable Agriculture

Green Technology

Industry-University-Research Integration

Personal Health and Wellbeing

Medical Health




Opening Ceremony 開幕式


Welcome Speech 歡迎辭

​Prof. Albert Yu, 于常海教授 (TBC)
Chairman, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization & BIOHK / Honorary President, EA Bio Health Commerce Association
香港生物科技協會BIOHK主席 / 歐亞天然健康產業總會榮譽會長

Joey Leung, 梁鳳儀
Charter President, EA Bio Health Commerce Association / Brand Director, Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization
歐亞天然健康產業總會 創會會長 /香港生物科技協會 品牌總監

Aaron Finley
Director, Deloitte China / Honorary Consultant, EA Bio Health Commerce Association
德勤中國董事,歐亞天然健康產業總會 榮譽 顧問

Lareina Lau, 劉安奇
SHERO Initiative 旭柔計 劃 聯合創始人
恒基(中國)投資有限公司 CSR特別助理


Kick-off Ceremony 啟動儀式
主禮嘉賓: 黎國光律師 及 特邀 嘉賓


Photo 大合照


Keynote Speech 主題演講
Biotechnology, Green Finance and SPAC 生物科技 及 綠色金融 -特殊目的收購趨勢

Aaron Finley Director, Deloitte China 德勤中國董事


Panel 1:
Immunotherapy for Solid Tumors: Opportunities and Challenges
主題 1:

Moderator 主持人
Yuqing Li, 李宇清
Researcher & Director, South China Hospital of Shenzhen University (Moderator)

Dr. Cecilia Zhang, 張曦博士
Co-Founder & CSO, Biosyngen Pte Ltd

Prof. Ying Xu, 徐鷹教授
Southern University of Science and Technology

Prof. JingYing Zhou, 周京穎教授
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. MingJun Wang, 王明軍博士
Researcher & Executive Dean, Shenzhen Innovation Immunotechology Co. Ltd


Lunch Break


Panel 2 :
Empowering Change: Innovations in Products for Health
主題 2 :
賦能變革 ——健康產品的創新領航

Moderator 主持人
Thalia Kong, 江苑絳
Managing Director, Green Valley Alliance High Technology Co. Ltd.

Derek Wu, 吳福順
Chairman, Beijing Qidai Zhi Technology Investment Co., Ltd.

Zhiheng Mak, 麥智恒
Founder, Tongde Xin Medical Tech Limited

Chubei Yu, 余楚蓓
Technical Support, MGI
華大智造 技術支援

Winnie Lin, 林盈吟
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Hong Kong representative


Panel 3 :
Physical and Mental Well-being of Human: In a Sustainable Perspective
主題 3:
可持續的人類健康 ——身體與心靈

Moderator 主持人
Millie Liu,
Founding Partner, First Star Ventures
First Star Ventures創始合夥人

Meijie Wang, 王梅傑
CEO, MetaNovas Biotech
MetaNovas Biotech CEO

June Chen, 陳一寧
Co-founder & CEO, Ciyun Ge Medical Tech Limited
慈雲鴿醫療科技聯合創始人兼 CEO

Andrea Barrica,
Managing Partner, Mahway,
Mahway 執行合夥人

Hans Keil,
Co-founder & CEO, Nurture Genomics
Nurture Genomics 聯合創始人兼 CEO

Summit Roster

Mr. Aaron Finley

Director, Deloitte China
Guangzhou Capital Market Expert (2020 - )
Guangzhou Business Environment Expert (2020 - )
AmCham South China Board of Governors (2021 - )
EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member (2023 - )
EU Chamber Finance & Taxation Working Group China Chair (2020-2021) South China Chair (2019 -2023)
Guangdong Investment Promotion Association Advisor (2019 - )
American International School of Guangzhou Board Chair (2014-2017) Board Treasurer (2017- 2019)
Macau University of Science and Technology Part Time Lecturer (2020 - )

Aaron is Director of Central Business Development based in the Guangzhou office and has a leading role in the development of the Life Science and Health Care sector. Aaron is also supporting the firm's initiatives for the Greater Bay Area providing support to more closely link and develop Hong Kong, Macau, and the Guangdong Province. Before re-joining Deloitte in a business development role, Aaron was the Greater China Group Tax Manager for Procter & Gamble. In 10 years with Procter & Gamble, Aaron performed a multitude of roles including Transfer Pricing, Indirect Tax, Tax Controversy, Tax Planning, and M&A. Aaron was the Asia Leader for the divestiture of the Pringles business. Aaron has 20+ years of tax experience including 19 years in China.

Lareina Lau

Co-founder of SHERO Initiative
CSR Special Assistant of Henderson (China) Investment Co., Ltd.
Secretary General of Fanyintang

Lareina Lau and women who have long been committed to sustainable development and are deeply involved in the fields of technology and investment have joined forces with all walks of life to launch a social innovation project, the Shero initiative, hoping that there will be more female power in the future of the diverse world. Currently, he is the CSR Special Assistant of Henderson (China) Investment Co., Ltd. and the Secretary-General of Fanyintang. He hopes that under the leadership of Dr. Li Jiajie, he can jointly promote the healthy development of youth education, technology for good, and ESG and other issues through a variety of innovative practical methods, and jointly achieve sustainable development of human society.

Dr. YuQing Li

Head of Experimental Research Department, South China Hospital, Shenzhen University

Engaged in the study of tumor cell fate evolution, he has published more than 20 SCI papers, including 10 papers as the first author or corresponding author in journals such as PNAS and Cancer Research, and 3 authorized patents. Selected into the 2018 China Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program (Boxin Program), and as the project leader undertakes 1 national project, 4 provincial and ministerial projects, and 3 municipal projects.

Dr. Statham Liu

Senior R&D Scientist at Baiji Biopharmaceuticals

Currently, he is a senior R&D scientist at Baiji Biopharmaceuticals, responsible for the development of pipelines related to anti-tumor immune cell therapy. Obtained a Ph.D. in Biology from Sun Yat-sen University. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Sun Yat-sen University’s Cancer Prevention and Treatment Center, where he was engaged in research on tumor-related myeloid cells. Relevant results have been published in journals such as Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Frontier in Immunology as the first or co-author, and 3 patents have been applied for.

Prof. Ying Xu

Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology

Chair professor of the School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology, winner of the national talent title, computational systems biology and bioinformatics scholar. Joined the School of Medicine of Southern University of Science and Technology in January 2023. He was previously the "Board Professor" and "Georgia Science Association Distinguished Scholar Chair Professor" in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Georgia (2003-2022), and the first director of the University of Georgia Institute of Physical Information (2003-2011). He has published nearly 400 academic papers and five books, including the world's first "Oncology Informatics" monograph, with more than 20,000 citations and an H-index of 71.

Prof. ZHOU Jingying

Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Zhou Jingying graduated from the Institute of AIDS, Department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong in 2013 with a PhD in microbiology. He then continued his postdoctoral research at the School of Biomedical Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and became a research assistant professor in 2018. He has published articles in many international journals, including Gut, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cancer Research, Nature Communications, Nature Microbiology, etc. The current main research direction is the role of innate and adaptive immune regulation in cancer, and the main research direction is the tumor microenvironment mechanism of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), aiming to improve the level of cancer immunotherapy.

Derek Wu

Chairman of Beijing Qidaizhi Technology Investment Co., Ltd.
(Macau) Founder of Fushuntang International Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
Head of Ecological and Environmental Protection Consumption Assistance Platform of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment
Huazhong Agricultural University Professional Degree Industry Instructor

Since 2002, Wu Fushun has been committed to promoting sustainable social development with systematic thinking and big data algorithm technology. He is good at exploring the common goals of multiple stakeholders such as central and local governments, enterprises, and ordinary people, and promoting projects with economic and social benefits. He has deep professional knowledge and rich practical experience in the field of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance). He actively promotes the integration of ESG into business innovation and integrates environmental, social and governance factors into investment decisions and corporate operations to achieve sustainable development concepts in investment and management.

Thalia Kong

Executive Director, Green Valley Alliance High-Tech Co., Ltd. (China)
Global Business Development Director, ExaLeap Technology Co., Ltd. (USA)
Global Business Development Director, Global Green Development Capital (China)
Vice President of Global Alliances, Hangzhou Chengyun Technology Co., Ltd. (China)
Chief Operating Officer, Shanghai Huashi Jingcheng High-tech (Group) Co., Ltd. (China)

Thalia Kong has extensive experience in Internet technology, cloud computing and smart city solutions. He has served as a senior executive in many multinational organizations, is familiar with market operations in the United States, China and Europe, and has nearly 20 years of international business experience. With extensive business and technical knowledge and resources, he has successfully coordinated and operated a number of complex multi-functional, multi-cultural, multi-enterprise/government relations projects. He has comprehensive and solid theoretical and practical experience in research and development, product life cycle management, sales and marketing, commercial operations, corporate planning, customer service, technology and process development, technology and personnel training, etc. Has more than 20 years of international business experience in customer pipeline penetration and management (5 years in Taiwan, 3 years in Singapore, +10 years in China and Europe).

Allen Ho

Co-founder of Soybean World
food science expert
Soybean planting expert

Dr. Ho has been responsible for the commercialization of Longhuang series of soybeans since 2017. He was the first to introduce commercial tomato cultivation to Xinjiang and the first to introduce coffee cultivation to Yunnan. Dr. Ho has worked for large food and condiment companies such as Heinz, Kraft, and Lee Kum Kee, and is an active and well-known member of the Hong Kong Government's Food Safety Committee and Innovation and Technology Agency.

Millie Liu

Founding Partner of First Star Ventures

Millie Liu is the founding partner of the early-stage cutting-edge technologies-focused fund First Star Ventures. As an investor, she focuses her career on helping entrepreneurs with deep technology turn their ideas into great businesses with global reach. Some of her latest investments include MIT/Harvard/NASA spinouts applying computational approaches for novel protein design, CRISPR engineering, quantum-inspired materials design, long-range weather prediction, geothermal, etc.
Millie was previously at APT, an enterprise data analytics startup acquired by Mastercard for $600m where she helped Fortune 50 clients such as Walmart and P&G make better strategic decisions leveraging data. She was also the co-founder of an MIT startup working on unsupervised event detection, which later became Infervision, an AI precision healthcare platform that has raised over $200m from Sequoia, Goldman Sachs, etc. Millie is on the advisory board of MIT CSAIL (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, the first AI lab in the world and the largest lab on MIT campus with over 1000 members). She holds a Master of Finance degree from MIT and a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Toronto.

Meijie Wang

MetaNovas Biotech CEO

Ms. Wang Meijie is the CEO of Metanovas Biotech, an AI+ biotechnology company, focusing on building the world's leading new generation AI-driven functional raw material/product R&D and design platform. Ms. Wang Meijie has a master's degree in computer science in the field of AI. She also studied business at Stanford University's School of Management Engineering. He has published several papers in ACM and served as a judge for IEEE conferences. She once worked at NVIDIA's Silicon Valley headquarters for AI+ biological infrastructure research and development. She was the first Chinese engineer on NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform RAPIDS, and took the lead in promoting the cooperation between NVIDIA and Alibaba Cloud computing platforms. She worked on the research and development of medical artificial intelligence with Professor Li Feifei, a well-known AI scholar at Stanford University, and the entrepreneurial team at Stanford Medical School. The products she led the research and development were tested and used in Stanford Hospital. Today, as the founder and CEO of MetaNovas Yuanxing Intelligent Medicine, Ms. Wang Meijie’s enthusiasm for entrepreneurship has not diminished. Less than three years after the company was founded, the team has gathered academicians from the two academies and listed companies in the field of peptides in addition to the co-founders. The chief scientist of a pharmaceutical company, etc. The company has completed two rounds of financing, has several pending invention patents, and has cooperated with internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies (such as Japan's Takeda), leading cosmetics brands (L'Oreal) and functional food brands ( Such as Shancun's parent company Haleon) and others have established cooperation.

June Chen

Co-founder and CEO of Ciyunge Healthcare Technology

Ms. Chen June holds a bachelor's degree in finance and financial management from Northeastern University in the United States and a master's degree in international regulations on drugs and medical devices. She started her own medical device and drug import and export company and women's health company. As the assistant to the chairman of China's largest listed pharmaceutical company of steroid drugs, he was responsible for maintaining the company's core customers and medical resources, and led the completion of a cross-border merger and acquisition with an acquisition amount of 1.2 billion. In 2022, he was selected into Forbes China's Top 100 Young Returnees and led Ciyunge to win the fourth place in the world in the 2022 Peking University HSBC-Cambridge Judge Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.
Ciyunge Medical Technology Co., Ltd. focuses on the field of home real-time testing and cares about the health status of women and their families. It has now launched the "Banxiaolv" series of home quantitative testers to provide more families with professional and accurate digital real-time testing services. As well as supporting medical services, it comprehensively improves the diagnosis and treatment experience of specialized disease management and health management at home, allowing people to conveniently seek medical treatment at home and safeguarding a healthy life.

Cheryl Cui

Enhe Biotech Co-Founder and CEO

Dr. Cui holds doctorates in medical engineering and medical physics from MIT and Harvard Medical School. In terms of research on the construction of synthetic gene circuits and molecular systems, he has published many papers as the first author or contributing author in academic magazines such as Science, Nature Nanotechnology, and PNAS, and has obtained multiple patents for his research results. In 2019, he was selected as one of the "Global 30 Under 30" in the medical field by Forbes in the United States, and in 2020, he was selected as one of the "35 Technological Innovators Under 35" by MIT Technology Review.
Enhe Biotechnology is a biotechnology company based on the concept of synthetic biology. By creating a standardized automated high-throughput experimental operation platform and combining machine learning and artificial intelligence to systematically engineer organisms, we develop efficient, green, low-cost and applicable Focused on industrial biotechnology for large-scale production, it provides key technical solutions for various industries such as chemical, food, agriculture and pharmaceuticals. The company's core technology and management teams come from universities such as MIT and Harvard, as well as foundation companies in the field of synthetic biology such as Amyris, Ginkgo Bioworks, Zymergen, and Codexis. In 2020, it was successfully selected into the "MIT Technology Review" 50 Smart Companies, and in 2021, it was selected into the "List of 10 Startups Worth Watching in 2021" published by "C&EN" published by the American Chemical Society.

Gideon Lapidoth

CEO of Enzymit

Gideon is the co-founder Enzymit and currently serves as its Chief Executive Officer. Gideon leads Enzymit's product and technology development and corporate strategy, he is also one of the key inventors behind Enzymit's design platform. Gideon holds a BSc in computer science from Tel-Aviv university and PhD in computational protein design from the Weizmann institute of science.
Enzymit is developing groundbreaking computational protein design algorithms based on fundamental discoveries in protein science amalgamated with cutting-edge experimental tools, augmented with deep-learning to create novel enzymes for novel chemistry.

Robert Green MD, MPH

Cofounder, Nurture Genomics
Cofounder, Genome Medical
Professor of Medicine (Genetics), Harvard Medical School Director, G2P Research, Division of Genetics, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Nurture was co-founded by Robert Green, MD, MPH, leader of the BabySEQ Project, whose evidence-driven work informs every aspect of Nurture’s service offering. BabySEQ1 was a landmark clinical study looking at newborn genetic risk markers. Later, the study’s findings were used to create a catalog of gene-disease associations, accelerating the real-world application of newborn genomic sequencing (NGS).
Dr. Green has led policy development for returning genomic information to research participants within the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, the Verily-Google Baseline Project and the 1 million participants All of Us Research Program. He is co-founder of Genome Medical, a technology and service platform delivering telegenetics expertise throughout the US. Dr. Green leads the BabySeq Project, the first research to provide empirical data on the clinical utility and cost-effectiveness of genomic sequencing in healthy newborn infants, with the goal of establishing a responsible path to achieve universal human sequencing.

Rita Chao

Co-initiator of SHERO Initiative
General Manager of Hong Kong X Qianhai Fund
Founding President of MIT Shenzhen Alumni Association

Rita graduated from MIT with an MBA from MIT Sloan School of Business, majoring in technological innovation, entrepreneurship and investment. A serial entrepreneur and investor in the field of technology, his focus on technology investment is hard technology, artificial intelligence digitization and low-carbon technology. He once served as COO of an AI quasi-unicorn company and deputy general manager of the innovation department of a leading consumer electronics company listed in Hong Kong.

EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Ms. Joey F.Y Leung

Chairman of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Founding President of EABA AIFA TECH LIMITED Founder & CEO Chairman of Longye International Trading Co., Ltd. Chairman of Qianhai Jiuciyuan Technology Co., Ltd. Honorary Chairman of SynTao Fund Co., Ltd. Honorary Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Anti-Aging Research and Application Federation Honorary Chairman, Hong Kong Public Relations Society BIOHK Hong Kong International Biotechnology Exhibition 2022-2024 Brand Director Member of Hong Kong Taoist Federation

Ms. Ida Maria Osti

Chairman of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Charter President of EA Bio Health Commerce Association Naturopathic Health/Brand Agency

Professor Albert Cheung-Hoi YU, Ph.D., JP

Honorary Chairman of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Former deputy director of the Institute of Neuroscience of Peking University Director of Translational Medicine Research Office, Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Peking University Professor, Center for Infectious Diseases, Peking University Former Director of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Former Chairman of Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification The 9th - The 12th Henan Provincial Committee of the CPPCC Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Members Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience Chairman of Beijing Neuroscience Society and other positions Current professor at Peking University Expert of the National Standardization Committee’s Biotechnology Standardization Expert Advisory Group Supervisor of Chinese Neuroscience Society Chairman of the Professional Committee on Glial Cells and Related Diseases of the Beijing Neuroscience Society Member of the Biotechnology Listing Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Founder and Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Association Founder and Chairman of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Biotechnology Alliance Chairman of BIOHK2023 Organizing Committee Member of the Board of Directors of the Gordon Research Conference Director of Asian Cancer Foundation Chairman of Hikvision Life Technologies Co., Ltd. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Neurochemical Research Served on the editorial board of many well-known journals

Prof. Vivian Wong

Honorary Chairman of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Honorary Professor, School of Chinese Medicine, University of Hong Kong Honorary President of the Hong Kong Association of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Former Chief Executive of Hong Kong Hospital Authority Former Chairman of Friends of the Earth Hong Kong Former public health expert at the World Bank

Ms. Lareina Lau

Convener of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Co-founder of SHERO Initiative CSR Special Assistant of Henderson (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Secretary General of Fanyintang

Mr. Victor Ma

Convener of the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

The 56th President of Yan Chai Hospital 2023-2024 Senior Key Account Manager of DSV Air & Sea Ltd. General Director of GBA Biotech Industry Global Association Director of Secretary of Global Medical Tourism & Health lndutry Association Director of Secretary of GBAAI Industrial Global Association Secretariat of Doctors Think Tank Academy Member of Council of Hong Kong Education Development Association

Mr. Aaron Finley

Advisor to the EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Director, Deloitte China Guangzhou Capital Market Expert (2020 - ) Guangzhou Business Environment Expert (2020 - ) AmCham South China Board of Governors (2021 - ) EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member (2023 - ) EU Chamber Finance & Taxation Working Group China Chair (2020-2021) South China Chair (2019 -2023) Guangdong Investment Promotion Association Advisor (2019 - ) American International School of Guangzhou Board Chair (2014-2017) Board Treasurer (2017- 2019) Macau University of Science and Technology Part Time Lecturer (2020 - )

Dr. Catherine Fung

Ambassador of EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee

Education professionals

EA Summit 2024 Organizing Committee
Strategic partner :

Worldwide Logistic:


DSV Air & Sea Ltd 

Hong Kong Logistic:


Hong Kong MasterCraft Limited

"EABA" has an opening ceremony and summit, focusing on all-round cooperation and dialogue (Partnering & Convention) in the Eurasian natural health industry. The fields include exhibition participation and activities in the fields of ESG green investment, economic and trade exchanges, technological innovation, new health knowledge, green finance, eco-tourism and other fields. Through extensive dialogue from all walks of life, the Hong Kong International Biotechnology Forum and Exhibition will continue to release the effect and expand Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. All-round, multi-field pragmatic cooperation in the region, and work together to build a common harbor for win-win cooperation and mutual achievement.

During the four-day exhibition period of BIOHK2024 Hong Kong International Biotechnology Forum and Exhibition, the organizer provides multiple economic and trade docking activities for exhibitors. As a co-organizer, the Eurasian Congress will create synergistic benefits with BIOHK2024 and jointly build biotechnology and natural health. A bridge for exchanges and cooperation.

The last "EABA" was successfully held in Italy in 2018, with support from the local commerce bureau; this year's "EABA" joins hands with the Shero Initiative and a group of women who are deeply involved in the technology and investment fields to discuss the empowerment of biotechnology Future trends and challenges in agriculture and health.

"EABA" is scheduled to be held at 10:30 am on Saturday, September 14, 2024, at the EA Area of ​​the BIOHK2024 Exhibition Hall, Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong.

EA Summit 2024 strategic partners include: Hong Kong Biotechnology Association, Deloitte, Nordic International Logistics, Beijing Qidaizhi Technology Investment, Shero Initiative, Shenzhen University South China Hospital, Baiji Biomedicine, Southern University of Science and Technology, Soybean World, Green Valley Alliance High-tech, Enhe Biotechnology, Enzymit, Nurture Genomics, Qianhai Fund, MIT Shenzhen Alumni Association, etc., the list is too long to include all.

Since 2023
Affiliated members of IFOAM
International Organic Alliance (UNITED NATION)

Prof. Shusong Ba

Managing Director, Chief China Economist, HKEX

Dr. BA Su Juan

President and CEO, National Foundation for Cancer Research

Dr. Bruce Beutler

The Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology or Medicine 2011

Mr. Peter Nobel

Chairman, The Nobel Sustainability Trust Foundation

Prof. Chen-gong

Director, Brain Repair Center, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Institute of CNS Regeneration (GHMICR) of Jinan University

Prof. Lo Yuk-lam

Chairman, Food and Environmental Hygiene, Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR

Mikio Tanji

Managing Director, DEFTA Partners

Prof. Rao-yi

President, Capital Medical University

Tao Xu-dong

Partner, JunHe LLP

Dr. Yu Guo-liang

Chairman, Apollomics Inc.

Aaron Finley

Director, Diloitte China

Prof. Han-Ji-sheng

Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Chairman, Shanghai Healthcare Capital

Prof. Zhang Xu-mu

Associate Dean, the College of Science, Southern University of Science and Technology

Prof. Xie-ting

Head and Chair Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Yang Meng-yang

Executive Director, CICC Capital

BIOHK2018 - 2024 Strategic Partner
Past Leaders and Experts

Past Supporting Institutions

BIOHK2024 Past Supporting Institutions

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